
Why Do I Need An Attorney After A Car Accident?

Every day there are countless auto accidents on our South Florida roads. And with these accidents come injuries – some may cause minor injuries while others can be catastrophic, and even fatal. Regardless of the extent of your injuries, it’s important for you to hire an experienced personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale immediately following your car accident.

Unfortunately, many drivers believe that with only minor injuries and property damage they do not need an attorney. That couldn’t be further from the truth.  It’s imperative for you to speak with an attorney after a car accident to better understand your options.

Here are three reasons you need to hire an auto accident attorney in Broward County:


1. Thorough Investigation For Better Compensation

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to more compensation than just the damages to your car and medical bills. Our personal injury attorneys are trained to examine all circumstances involved in your accident including mechanical malfunctions, defects in the design of the roadway or perhaps a failure to properly maintain roads and highways. Our attorneys will also help negotiate a fair compensation for all medical costs – both present and future – lost wages, overall pain and suffering, and more. Without an attorney to accurately represent and negotiate your claims, your chances of recovering a fair settlement is very low.

2. Navigation of Medical Care

No matter how minor you think your injuries are after a car accident, it’s imperative you seek medical attention within 14 days of your accident in order to receive your Personal Injury Protection benefits to which you are entitled to under Florida law. Medical care is also one of the most important pieces of ‘evidence’ in a car accident case. Our experienced attorneys will help you effectively manage your medical needs through education and proper navigation of this process. Also, if you will require additional medical treatments after your case is settled, our attorneys will be sure to include this as part of your settlement to help with future costs.


3. Insurance Companies Are Not Your Friends

One of the most common mistakes made by our clients involves statements given to their insurance companies without consulting with our attorneys first. Yes, it’s ‘your’ insurance company, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to be on ‘your’ side. Ultimately, the insurance company only cares about paying as little as they can; so, many companies and adjusters will omit important information you do not know about that could be helpful to your case and/or compensation. The adjuster may come off as trying to help, but make no mistake that the questions they are asking you are to find a loophole out of having to compensate you or another party.


The attorneys at the Gainza Law Group can help you navigate the treacherous roads we have to take following a car accident in Fort Lauderdale. Our attorneys will meet with you safely in-person or virtually for a FREE CASE REVIEW and go over everything that is involved. When you hire our personal injury team, you do not pay us anything until we receive a settlement for you.

If you or a loved one need help after an auto accident, contact our experienced team to handle your case with care and compassion. Our referrals are the biggest compliment we can receive and our reviews speak for themselves! When you call our office, you will speak with an attorney and you will always have the right to speak to an attorney – YOUR attorney. Because that who we are – we are YOUR personal attorney.

Contact us today for your FREE Case Review or to discuss any legal questions you may have.


Gainza Law Group

Fort Lauderdale – Broward County Personal Injury Attorneys

5975 N Federal Hwy #127

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

(954) 463-1210


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